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Pool Table Sizing Chart: Find the Right Size for Your Room

The pool is a game that is often seen as something very elegant as well as very classy. That is why a lot of people play it even. Even if they do not know how to play. Or are no expert still would like to play or even just own a pool table for a showpiece. A lot of people do that so to say. Usually, experts know about the size and dimensions kind of stuff. But those who are new to it and have never bought a pool table before. Might need a pool table sizing chart for their convenience. Pool table sizing chart is important for pool.It is never a bad option to get some help as for that matter.

Pool table sizing chart

While buying a pool table sizing chart you may require to keep certain things in mind. The price is a very important factor. To be very honest some of the sizing charts could come at a very expensive price. There could be some who do the same work but are cheaper. So, you need to do your research before buying to be fair. Another important factor to look at while buying a pool sizing chart is the size of the tape. The sizing tape of the pool could come in a variety of different sizes as for that matter. You should know what size suits your requirement the best so to say.

Brunswick pool table sizing chart

pool table sizing chart

Brunswick pool tables are quite popular among those who actually take this game seriously. Some players do not just take it as just another hobby. Or just another way to pass their time. Some people actually play pool for a career and as the main source of their income as for that matter. So for them to play and to practice Brunswick pool table is the best. It would give them an experience of pure class. They could practice their shots, variations, angles, etc with ease here so to say. Also, some buy a classy pool table like Brunswick for décor even. A classy pool table in a house would add a glamorous touch to your home.

However, the Brunswick pool table being professional might require a lot of space. So you would need to tally a sizing chart before you buy a table for yourself. That you would not have any trouble later regarding the size. So for a 7-foot table of 48” cue. You would need dimensions in your room to be 11’6” X 14’6”. For 52 cue” it would be 12’ X 15’ and for 58 cues”  it is going to be 13’ X 16.”’Now, if you want an eight-foot table. Then for the 48” cue, you will need to have 12’ X 16. For 52 cues you would need dimensions of your room to be 12’6” X 16”.  And lastly for 58 cues” you would need 13’6” X 17’6”.

There is even a nine-foot table available if you need that. So for the nine-foot table dimensions are as follows. If it is 48 cue” then 12’6” X 16’6” would do for you. If it is 52 cue” then dimensions are gonna be 13’ X 17’ and lastly if it is 58 cue” then 12’ X 18’ would do fine.Pool table sizing chart would help you understand the dimensions well.

Pool table size dimensions

Pool tables come in a variety of different sizes. These tables are made according to the demand of size required by the users. The most common ones would be a 6-foot table, a 7-foot table, there is an 8-foot table available. And you might even find yourself a 9-foot table as for that matter. However, you need to understand how the sizing works. Because at times your pool table could be bigger than what your room could fit. That is why you should always know about pool table size dimensions so to say. If you want a 6-foot table then 13’6 X 10’11” if you are going for a 48” cue. If you go for a 57” cue within the 6-foot table. Then 15 X 12’5” would work for you.

Similarly, for a 7-foot table and for a 48” cue you can go for 14’2” X 11’2”, and for a 57 “ cue 15’9” X 12’8” would be perfect. For an 8 foot table, you can rely on a room with dimensions of 15’2 X 11’8” for a 48” cue. And 16’8” X 13’2” for 57 cues.” Always, look at the pool table sizing chart before buying.

Pool table felt size chart

pool table sizing chart

Measuring a pool table for a new felt is not at all difficult so to say. Some might find it is a bit complex to do so to say. But it is not. All you need to do is measure the distance between the cushions. That should be of shorter width of the table. To be very honest a mistake people do while doing that is they might calculate it under the cushion or over that cushion. You do not have to either as for that matter. what you need to do is measure it from the inside point of the cushions. That way the reading you would get from the pool table sizing chart will be accurate.


Q-1 How big is a standard-size pool table?

Ans. A standard-size pool table might come in different sizes. The size may be determined by the occasion of the use. Normally, in the USA a standard size would be 8-foot. And for tournaments that would be 9 foot so to say.

Q-2 What size room do I need for a 7ft pool table?

Ans. Usually, the size required would be determined through the cues. For a 7 foot table with 58” cues you would need a room with dimensions 13’6” X 16’8.” And for 48 cues it would be 12’8” X 15’10.”

Q-3 What is the minimum size room for a pool table?

Ans. Usually, the smallest standard pool table would be 6-foot. So for that, you would at least need a room of 14’ X 11.’ That would be for a 48” cue if you are wondering.